COVID-19 Update from Inframark
To our clients and customers:
With all the uncertainty and doubt the world is experiencing right now, rest assured of the following:
- Inframark operations are 100% functional ensuring your water and wastewater are secure and functioning properly.
- Inframark customer care and call center are 100% functional answering calls, taking payments and ensuring your complete satisfaction.
- Inframark Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) is 100% functional and in constant communication with the TCEQ and other environmental regulatory agencies to make sure we meet or exceed all federal and state requirements.
- Inframark leadership has led the way to work in conjunction with all operating companies around the region to establish the Gulf Coast MUD Emergency Operations Group (EOG). The EOG will ensure that certified operators will be available in the event the pandemic effects the operation community.
While we don’t know what the future holds for our communities, we do know that the spirit and determination of all Texans is alive and unwavering. We acknowledge the darkness, but we do not bow to it. In the end, we will come out of this stronger and even more resilient than before.
God bless you and keep you safe.