Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday
This weekend is the 2019 Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday in the State of Texas. You can purchase certain emergency preparation supplies tax free beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, April 27, and ending at midnight on Monday, April 29. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can purchase, and you do not need to issue an exemption certificate to claim the exemption. Please visit the Texas Comptroller’s Website for more information, including a list of qualifying and excluded supplies. Hurricane Season is just around the corner. Don’t wait until the next storm is in the Gulf before preparing yourself and your family.
MUD 374 Property Tax Rate Lowered
Harris County Municipal Utility District 374’s Board of Directors voted October 11, 2018 to lower property taxes to 82 cents from the current 85 cents per one hundred dollar taxable value. HC 374 covers Phase 1 and Phase 11 of Cypress Creek Lakes. The reduction will still allow the district to maintain current facilities and operations. The taxable value of each individual property is set by Harris County Appraisal District so the amount of reduction will vary for each home. Each property owner will see this new rate reflected in their tax statement to be sent in December.
MUD 374 Board members